Several years ago, we decided to create a garden
feature, that would not only enhance the fontal view of
our home but would provide a secure and attractive area
in which to keep a small flock of ducks. Having selected
a suitable site which was both sheltered and visible the
hard work of excavation (by hand) and disposal of the
spoil began. We decided on a roughly circular pond about
four metres in diameter and one metre deep constructed
like a saucer with shallow sloping sides to allow the
ducks easy access and egress.
Having dug the hole, all sharp stones were carefully removed and
a layer of sand spread all over to protect the polythene liner. The
liner of builders quality visquene was fitted in the hole with a large
overlap all round to allow for stretching once the concrete was applied.
The concrete was a "dry" mix of six shovels of sand two
of gravel and two of cement laid with a plasterers trowel to a depth
of four inches all over. The concrete is not waterproof which is why
the liner is required however the concrete keeps everything in place
and prevents the ducks feet from ripping the liner. Stones were laid
in the wet concrete around the edge to make the pond look more natural
with a three inch pipe set in as an overflow. Care must be taken when
setting out the pond to ensure that the upper rim is roughly level
so that the water covers the concrete when the pond is filled. Once
the concrete is set, any excess visquene can be cut off and the more
interesting and satisfying work of creating and decorating the enclosure
can begin.
The outer enclosure is a rectangle with rounded ends slightly offset
from the pond to allow plenty of room for planting, housing for the
ducks and other ornamental features. The fencing around the outside
was constructed of half round five foot stakes set at two metre spacings
with a half round rail nailed all round the top. The fence itself
was half inch twillweld nailed to the post and rail and concreted
into the ground at the bottom for total security and of course weed
control. The whole enclosure is covered in a "tent" of nylon
net supported on a central goalpost arrangement to allow standing
To give some movement and sound to the area we decided to incorporate
a waterfall. This consisted of a one metre high stone cairn with a
Chinese clam shell set on it slightly overhanging the pond with a
pumped water supply to it. This forms a very attractive cascade when
the pump is running.
To provide shade and colour the inside was planted with non poisonous
(no berries) evergreen shrubs, primroses in the rockeries for spring
and pansies for summer. Other plants in pots are placed inside according
to the season. The whole of the ground area is covered in pea shingle
which is free draining, easily washed down with a garden hose and
raked out to maintain cleanliness. The ducks find this very comfortable
Having placed a wooden open ended barrel inside to provide shelter
all that was necessary was to install the ducks. This is now a place
where we spend some pleasant moments just watching with a cup of tea
on a warm summer morning smiling often as we watch these little ducks
go about their daily routine. Equally they lift your spirits on a
damp winter afternoon. They always oblige with the antics they are
famous for. Even on moonlit nights they are always busy doing something.
Merryl Lloyd